then, in such cases is social conscience funcloyalty is to the whole group and its (and tioning as frictionlessly and perfectly as their) fellow workers; then our society must mother-love functions toward the child. It produce such psychophysical loyalty is not save in the solitary insects a through such workers. And (ii) this is pretotal unconsciousness of the foremind and cisely what nature (or the demiurge that the selective intelligence, a blind recolleccontrols life or the 'genius' of the specific tion of a race memory that only senses a genus) appears to be doing. We are today past experience and repeats that pattern like producing, as the social workers insects seem a sleep-walker in the present whether the to have begun to do millions of years ago behaviour be adequate or disastrous. It is not this worker type.
unawareness of the process, purpose or meanFurther, these are being produced, as the ing. It is not the conduct of a creature in social worker insects are produced, by intrance. It is, on the contrary, the conduct tergradation, by 'links' or hyphens or 'archof a fully-awake person, so informed as springers' thrown up from and across from to the end and so convinced of its worth that the two extremes of the primitive stock, the the will is as totally mobilised and focussed wholly specialized male and female. The comas is the intelligence. plete male and female are the highly divergThe following question therefore arises and ent poles between which the rudimentary its answer, in the light of the knowledge resocial form of the familial pattern is preciferred to above, contains the reply to our pitated. Yet both the male with the represent challenge: For (i) if our society tention of the mammary marks and the is in acute danger of disruption because it vestigial womb and the females with the has now achieved a size and a complexity cliteroal-penic vestige both show the genthat hopelessly outreaches and outrages fameralised form that was present before the ily loyalty (and so our society lacks cohesive acute form of sexuality appeared and perloyalty and our families struggle to chalhaps before sex as we know it functioned lenge and resist the state's claim to the loyalas the one method of reproduction. What is ty it itself cannot generate) if, as Professor clear (iii) is that as long as we refuse to culLasswell has argued copiously, the powertivate these creative contributions, these estype which makes the dictator and the demsential mutations that arise in our society agogue is himself driven by this revenge as answers to its acute need and our nature's impulse to assuage his subconscious pain begift toward the one possible solution of the cause even the family in the crude form social problem (the need for cohesion) in a we know it and in its present disintegration multifunctioning society, so long our societies cannot give him the love he needs and can only continue as they have done with a turns him out, embittered to project his monotonous horror to capsize and explode, hatred on society; and if the social insects to convulse and to decay. So long as we are did answer their challenge to social evoluso wilfully blind as to persecute bitterly these tion by producing the worker types whose types sent to our aid, at best we drive them
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